Playdate is good for children as they learn important life skills to socialize with each other, and let's not forget it is a big helpful for busy moms who need a little break. But a successful playdate is not always easy. Below are a few tips from the experts on how to run a playdate that's enjoyable for the kids and socially appropriate for the grown-ups:
讓孩子們遊戲聚會是聯絡感情和建立友誼的好方法, 更是家長之間交流的好機會! 要舉辦一個成功的playdate, 別忽略以下禮儀方面的小細節:
Keep the Numbers Low 減少冒險指數
At any age, the least risky move is to host a one-on-one. This way there's no fear of anyone getting left out. Also, the fewer kids the better the chance for quiet, independent play. There are some exceptions: Babies really don't play together anyway -- it's usually about parents -- so more can be merrier. As the kids get older (after about age 4) they can usually handle a few more friends in the fray. But be prepared: the more children around, the more involved you'll have to stay.
一對一這個舉動對於任何年齡層來說都是比較不冒險的, 這種方法可以避免任何人被忽略. 當然, 也有一些例外: 嬰兒通常不會跟其他人玩, 他們都對父母有更多的興趣. 可是隨著孩子的成長(大約4歲), 他們就會有一些属於自己的朋友. 但是要注意: 每當孩子們有更多的朋友, 家長就要更加關心孩子.
Only Drop Off When Ready 做好準備, 學會放手
Plan on sticking around if your child is under 3. At this age, playdates are social events for both kids and adults. Most older kids like a drop-off (especially if it's with a family they know well). Some kids take a while to warm up to being left at another family's home. Often, it's just a matter of hanging around until your child feels totally comfortable.
當孩子3嵗以下的時侯, 一定要随時圍繞著他們. 在這個時期, playdates是孩子跟家長的一個社交活動. 大部分的小朋友都可以很容易跟别人溝通(尤其是他們熟悉的人). 有些小朋友需要在接觸其他家庭之前先熱身一下. 通常讓孩子們適應陌生環境是有難度的.
Don't Overstay 不要逗留太久
The smaller the child, the shorter the playdate should be. An hour is ideal for babies and toddlers, but most preschoolers can easily handle two to three. When in doubt subscribe to the maxim: Leave 'em wanting more.
孩子越小, playdate 就越短, 一個小時對初生嬰兒來說是最理想的時間, 但是學齡前儿童來說 2 ~ 3小時是很輕易應付的.
Be the Best Guest 當一位好賓客
- Make sure you're always on time for drop-off and pickup.
- 準時接送小朋友.
- Offer to bring snacks, especially if little Oskar has dietary issues or is just plain picky.
- 幫小朋友準備好一些小食, 防止他(她)有厭食或挑食的問題.
- Insist on helping with cleanup.
- 堅持幫忙做善後清潔.
- Make sure your child says "thank you for having me," as soon as he's old enough to talk. And, of course, you should do the same.
- 教會孩子會對主人家說謝謝. 當然, 你自己也要會道謝.
Be a Perfect Host 當一位完美的主人
- Let your child put away one or two toys he doesn't want to share. Everything else is fair game.
- 讓你的孩子把他(她)最心愛的玩具跟别人分享, 因為每個人都是平等的.
- If the other parent isn't staying, make it a point to get emergency-contact information.
- 如果其他家長沒有留下來, 請他們留下緊急狀況聯繫人.
- Ask if your guest has any food allergies or other health issues.
- 了解每位客人是否對任何食物過敏.
- Check the other mom's comfort level with TV and computer use.
- 關心每位家長對電視跟電腦的興趣.
Saying Goodbye 說再見
- If you're hosting, start the transition before the parent arrives, by giving a 10-minute and then a five-minute warning.
- 如果你是主人家, 在客人到來之前, 需要10分鐘的過渡時間, 然後利用5分鐘去暖身.
- Make cleaning up part of the fun by having the kids count how many toys they can put away, race against the clock, or sing a cleanup song.
- 將清潔看作跟孩子們娱樂的一部分. 叫他們數玩具數量, 或跟他們陪你唱一首清潔歌!
- If you're on pickup duty, grab your child's things and challenge him to get ready by the count of 30. Try to get his playmate involved in cheering him on.
- 如果你負責接小孩, 就要把小朋友的東西都拿好, 不要丢三落四.
The Fairness Doctrine 保持公平
Make a good-faith effort to alternate locations. By the time your child is in kindergarten, he and his pals will be aware of whose turn it is to play host -- and will act as enforcers. Until then, if you find yourself taking your kid to friends' homes a lot, you'll need to step up.
要持有善意的態度. 當你的小孩上幼稚園, 他就要為他的玩伴盡地主之誼. 如果孩子要去别人家, 你也要主動一點去跟别人溝通.
The Other-Parent Trap 注意其他父母的原則
Every once in a while you may get stuck with a mom or dad who drives you completely, totally nuts. You'll meet The Unreciprocators, The Sick Child Bringers, and, of course, The "What's One More?" type who jauntily drops off the cousin or a sibling. Although it's tempting to move to a new state, there are easier ways to make things work.
當别的家長跟你閙了一些小矛盾, 就要學會讓步. 因為讓步可以讓事情變得更加簡單.
If a parent has the nerve to come over with a coughing, contagious child, then you should have the guts (and the right) to say, "I'm really sorry, but I can't have a sick kid over. I just don't want to risk having Zach catch something."
如果有家長咳嗽, 你要有勇氣跟他說 "我感到非常報歉, 但是我不能讓細菌感染. 我不想冒這個險."
If a parent asks to drop off an unexpected extra, try, "Next time I'll plan to include all the kids, but I can't do it today." Or you can tell the other mom that it would be fine if she's willing to stick around and help supervise things.
如果有家長要求額外的接送服務, 你嘗試跟他(她)解釋: "下次我會照顧所有小朋友, 但今天就不太方便, Tags: