本週末精彩親子活動實在太多, 我們特地精選了以下 6 個為您專題推介 !
Hokkaido Fair 北海道物產展
一年一度的日本美食約會又到了, 今年除了有超好吃的蟹肉壽司飯便當和特色甜點外, 還有專程赴美的拉麵名家「旭川あさめし前田本鋪」和「影虎」, 愛吃的你又怎能錯過呢?
Enjoy full of fruits of the sea and all Hokkaido harvests! Fresh food that only Northern region could afford and their specialties with freshly picked vegetables and fruits, and unique milk products will come in flocks.
75th Annual Danish Days Festival 丹麥風情畫
丹麥民俗舞蹈﹑ 民風派對﹑ 大胃王比賽﹑ 鋸木頭比賽﹑ 手風琴演奏﹑ 編織展覽﹑ 還有晚上才看到的童話王國漂亮燈飾 !!
Experience Authentic Foods, Music, Folk Dancing & Three Parades plus Living History Exhibits. This year’s theme is “Memories of the Past, Visions for the Future”. Other attractions include Kid’s Korner, parade, Old World Market place, Viking Encampment and enchanting light show after dark.
Dodgers - Hello Kitty Fan Appreciation Days 道奇棒球 Hello Kitty 專題日入場的球迷除了專享折扣票價外, 還會得到限量版Hello Kitty 棒球制服娃娃, Hello Kitty更會親自到場與大家見面, 送出更多特別版禮物, 貓迷們千萬不能錯過!!
Hello Kitty fans can cheer on the Dodgers and share your love of Hello Kitty! Buy the special theme day package and get a discounted ticket AND a limited edition Hello Kitty plush dressed in Dodger gear! Hello Kitty and her friends will make a special appearance at Dodger Stadium on Sunday. Plus more special themed gifts at game day!
19th Annual Thai Cultural Day 泰國文化節
泰國美食烹飪教學﹑ 蔬果彫塑﹑ 民族服裝比賽﹑ 泰式按摩﹑ 傳統舞蹈﹑ 手工藝品及絲製品﹑ 親子民俗遊戲等。
Beside Thai music and dance, you can observe fruit and vegetable carving, a costume contest, Thai drama performances and children's workshops. Free admission.