"You know its summer when the Sunset Racing Series begins in Marina Del Rey!   A historical race dating back to the early 1960's. 

追溯到60年代初期的日落帆船巡航賽, 在盛夏到來之際, 在Marina Del Rey 拉開了戰幕 !

Drawing both experienced and new racers from over 12 different yacht clubs, this race is a highlight for many spectators as they enjoy the sights of many sailors competing to be the “King of the Hill.”

這場比賽的一個亮點, 是觀眾可以觀賞來自12個不同遊艇俱樂部的新舊舵手, 隨波逐流爭奪王者之位威風. 

Spectators can enjoy these races from the comfort of one of our water-view restaurants on Wednesday evenings between 5:30pm (sailboats leaving the harbor) to 8:00 pm (race finishes at California Yacht Club).

觀眾可以在週三黃昏5時30分(帆船離開港口時間)至晚上8時(在加利福利亞遊艇俱樂部結束時間)之間, 在任何一家擁有無敵海的餐廳悠然地觀賞這項比賽!


Date / 日期 :


即日起每週三黃昏舉行, 至928止 

Location / 地點: 

Fisherman's Village, 13755 Fiji Way, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292