We invite you to visit our website: www.laJaJakids.com, browse our latest collection of modern children toys and gears, and take a moment to share your parental thoughts and insights.  We think you’ll find it to be a fantastic exploration, a place where you can feel completely at home, express yourself, connect with other parents, and have an enjoyable time.


We understand how a busy parent can appreciate a truly user-friendly resource full of information on family activities, events and parenting tips, that’s why we also publish our quarterly Chinese newsletter -- JaJa’s World.  Supported by the online resource center and weblog, we aim to help all moms and dads stay connected with each other and the rich resources in the Southern California community.
Our greatest passion is to help foster a blossoming childhood for every kid, and we can’t wait to share that wonderful experience with you!


Sincerely yours,

Anne Lam & Annie Tsui
