童心。童藝》兒童藝術巡禮是一項嶄新的大型社區兒童藝術活動,目的是激勵年輕小畫家盡情發揮天賦的創造力,並以藝術創作回饋社會。一個多月來,我們收到來自南加州三百多位熱愛美術的小朋友積極參與這項盛事,反應非常熱烈。今年的特展以「讓希望飛翔」為主題,透過小朋友天真的眼光與純淨的心靈,將希望和願景以藝術的創作來表達出來。 100張優秀作品將在南加州巡迴藝展中展出,我們誠邀所有華裔社區人士蒞臨參觀,一同欣賞小畫家們的創作。HEART for Hope 2015 is a large scale community youth arts movement that motivates young people to express their visions of “dream, hope and inspiration” through the creation of beautiful display art. This special annual art program is NOT a contest. We invite all children between ages 6 to 13 to enter by submitting a creative artwork within the theme. All entrants will receive a certificate of achievement. 100 laureates will be selected to participate in a special art exhibition tour throughout Southern California for the community to celebrate the bountiful creativity of our young artists. |
Youth Art Exhibition Tour Schedule
www.lajajakids.com/heartforhope 323.728.7200 E-mail: info@lajajakids.com |