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Fullerton Railroad Days 2017年鐵路體驗日
5/5/2017 - 5/7/2017
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
FREE community event
都說洛杉磯是汽車的世界,公共交通發展落後,其實這些年來政府一直在大力推廣鐵路旅遊。今年在Fullerton火車站舉行的《2017年鐵路日》就是為南加州熱愛火車的人提供深入了解鐵路和火車的難得機會。這個為期兩天的鐵路日將舉辦多項適合家庭參加的活動,宣傳列車旅行的重要性、益處和價值。現場將有許多難得一見的經典火車,包括迪士尼樂園的小火車、聖塔菲 3751型號老式火車頭等供大家參觀和拍照,更有精緻火車模型展覽、親子活動和美食供應。
在這兩天,大家可以考慮坐火車來往Fullerton火車站(12歲以下小朋友還可以免費乘車!)只要登上Pacific Surfliner火車,您和家人將擁有充足的伸展空間,在車上盡情放鬆,而孩子們也將在列車之旅中盡享樂趣。孩子們可以四處走動舒展筋骨,在可供玩遊戲的桌子和空間中消磨時間,而對於年幼的孩子來說,列車的輕微顛簸可讓其酣然入睡。無論如何,這都是讓全家人登上列車、充分感受列車旅行的絕佳機會。
This is a FREE, family weekend event celebrating all things trains at the Fullerton Train Station. This FREE event honors Fullerton’s founding and historic rail connection with extensive train exhibits and tours, a scenic garden railroad, and more than 7,000 square feet of layouts created by modular groups in all scales — Z to G — to delight families and rail fans of all ages. See you there!
Popular rail equipment that plan to be at the event includes Disneyland Railroad’s Marsh Locomotive #4, BNSF locomotive, the San Bernardino Railroad Historical Society’s Santa Fe steam engine #3751 and other rail cars.
The event will also include model train layouts in various scales, exhibits and a food court offering a wide variety of tasty treats.
Expected attendance is over 25,000 rail fans and families from throughout Southern California who will come to celebrate the region’s historic rail connections and modern train developments.