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1/26/2018 - 2/18/2018
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每晚的「彩色世界水舞」(World of Color)將加上一段以中國傳統剪紙為風格、主題為小燈籠「趕回家過年」(Hurry Home)的6分鐘水舞秀,讓觀眾隨著小燈籠一起踏上回家的旅程,享受一段奇妙之旅,「趕回家過年」採用兩種對比鮮明的動畫風格,靈感來源於中國傳統的剪紙,讓遊客真切感受到古老東方的奇妙魅力。使用的音樂是由奧斯卡獲獎作曲家譚盾為上海迪士尼樂園開幕式製作的,看過的觀眾都讚歎不已,如果你去年錯過了,今年一定要留意喔!
The Year of the Dog
Welcome the Lunar New Year with grand festivities at Disney California Adventure Park.
It’s the perfect opportunity to gather with loved ones and explore culturally inspired food, music and entertainment.
Guests of all ages will enjoy an impressive array of multicultural musicians and performances at different venues around the park. Plus, be on the lookout for Disney Characters dressed in traditional garb, ready to take part in the fun!
Stroll beneath strings of ornamental lanterns, pay a visit to the Lucky Wishing Wall and send your creative spirit soaring with the help of local artisans! While you’re reveling in all of the festivities, take time to shop for Lunar New Year themed apparel, souvenirs and gifts to remember your experience.
Follow the Journey of Little Lantern
This heartwarming tale plays out across a captivating mist screen and features Mulan, Mushu and their friend, a little lantern.
Experience a little lantern’s quest to reunite with family during their annual gathering to celebrate good fortune for the upcoming year! The story is told with 2 distinctive styles of animation that fill the screen, while sky-high fountains and dazzling light effects dance along to tell the tale. A moving musical score―originally created for the opening ceremony of Shanghai Disney Resort by award-winning composer Tan Dun―accompanies this breathtaking show.
Mulan’s Lunar New Year Procession
Take in sensational sights and sounds during a vibrant parade hosted by Mulan and Mushu—January 26 through February 18, 2018.
Make way for a magical march honoring the Lunar New Year, family and friendship. Beloved Characters Mulan and Mushu welcome all to witness a spellbinding spectacle for the senses!
Clap along as triumphant music from Disney’s Mulan fills the air and a sea of performers flow gracefully through the streets, spreading smiles in their wake.