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California Poppy Festival 加州罌粟花節
4/22/2017 - 4/23/2017
Free - $10Event Navigation
10AM – 6PM
想欣賞加州罌粟花,又想體會沙漠城市藝術風情,就別錯過4月22-23 在羚羊谷蘭卡斯特市立公園所舉行的罌粟花節喔。罌粟花節中不但有許多攤位,還有農夫市場、小吃攤、兒童活動區以及豐富的音樂演奏和表演, 最重要的是可以欣賞到一片隨風搖曳的罌粟花海, 心曠神怡, 是一個適合全家週末出遊的活動。
Join us for two days of music, art, food and fun celebrating the state flower of California and the appearance of poppies in the Antelope Valley! Warm breezes replace the winter chill, jubilant laughter fills the air, and poppies burst into bloom blanketing hillsides in a sea of orange.
The California Poppy Festival kicks off spring in the Antelope Valley with a glorious array of celebrated performers, unrivaled events, and mouth-watering delicacies designed to delight, enchant, and amuse people of all ages.
Adults (13-61): $10.00
Children (6-12): $5.00
Children (5 & under): FREE
Seniors (62+): $5.00