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Open 藝術與音樂嘉年華主打免費入場,也標榜老少咸宜。嘉年華將在Glendale市中心舉行,並請來許多藝術家、表演者,還有社區領袖、當地商家與組織,可說是與本地社區完美結合的藝術嘉年華會!
- 現場音樂演出
- 兒童嬉戲區! 包括攀岩區、彩繪、各式遊戲等
- 藝術市集包括老少咸宜的活動與各式工作坊
- 藝術展覽
- Alex Theatre 前廣場有啤酒花園
- 食物攤販
- 社區資源中心
- 活動時間:Saturday, September 15, 2018, 3PM -10 PM
- 地點:216 N. Brand Blvd., Glendale, CA
- 參加資格:免費 & 適合全年齡
- 官網:openartsmusic.com
The Open Arts & Music Festival is presented by Glendale Arts and the Downtown Glendale Association. The Festival is FREE and family-friendly with live music curated by Spaceland Presents, an arts market with workshops, a Beer Garden with local craft breweries, temporary public art installations, and all-day activities for children. The city block in front of the historic Alex Theatre in Downtown Glendale closes for the day and comes alive with the arts.