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Explore how artists share their creations in public locations through street art. Find inspiration in our Axé Bahia exhibition and design your own stamp using Styrofoam and sponges. Create a custom print by layering your stamp with experimental printing materials such as fruit, leaves, and more!
Parking available in UCLA Lot 4, 221 Westwood Plaza, directly off Sunset Blvd | $12/day
About the Exhibition
Axé Bahia: The Power of Art in an Afro-Brazilian Metropolis, explores the distinctive cultural role of the city of Salvador, the coastal capital of the Brazilian state of Bahia and an internationally renowned center of Afro-Brazilian culture. Featuring more than 100 works from the mid-20th century to the present, including a stunning array of sculpture, painting, photography, video, and installation art, the exhibition explores the complexities of race and cultural affiliation in Brazil, and the provocative ways in which artists have experienced and responded creatively to prevailing realities of Afro-Brazilian identity in Bahia.
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