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5/20/2017 - 5/21/2017
$5 - $12Event Navigation

10:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
您曾吃過草莓比薩嗎?假如您在五月來到加州的草莓之都:Oxnard,您也許就有機會嚐到了!Oxnard 的人看待草莓的態度極為認真。身處一連兩天的加州草莓祭上,您有機會試吃到各式各樣的草莓食物。除了常規的做法,如:草莓蛋糕、草莓果醬、草莓餡餅及外裹巧克力醬的草莓,甚至還有草莓比薩呢!這個可當作餐後甜點的草莓比薩是在一個像比薩的甜麵包上,鋪上草莓、酸奶油、奶油起士及生奶油後烘烤而成;另外一道佳餚是沾有糖粉的草莓串,而如草莓奶昔這樣的飲品則可隨著這道佳餚一起下肚。
草莓是 Oxnard 的大生意。奧克斯納德境內美麗的 6,600畝草莓地的年收入可逹一億美元。另外共有24家公司生產近乎1600萬盤的莓果並外銷至北美洲、德國及日本。這場盛會吸引了85,000多名遊客前來參加,活動內容則包括了三場音樂表演、335場手工藝展、巡迴音樂家、小丑、藝術家、臉部彩繪、競賽及專為孩童而設的「草莓園」 (Strawberryland),內有玩偶、魔術師、音樂家及寵物動物園。
Events include:
Strawberry Tart Toss
Strawberry Pie Eating
Strawberry Relay Race
Berry Best Hat Contest
Berry Best Dressed Baby Contest
Strawberry Shortcake Build Off Contest
Musical Entertainment
Award-Winning Arts and Crafts
Strawberryland for Kids
The Jest In Time Family Fun Stage
Strawberry Shortcake
Strawberry Promenade
Kids Care Zone
The California Strawberry Festival celebrates the region’s rich agricultural heritage while raising funds for numerous Southland charities. Since its inception, over $3 million dollars has been collected to benefit others. Twenty-four companies harvest and cool more than 207,646 tons of sweet berries in the area from 11,538 acres with annual revenues topping $300 million to ship them worldwide from the region, known as California’s Strawberry Coast.
Strawberries, strawberries, strawberries — from chocolate dipped, deep fried, shortcaked and even atop pizza, berries abound as desserts, main courses and even as thirst quenching delights like strawberry beer.
All proceeds from sales from non-profit food booths benefit southland charities.
Live Concerts fill the air with non-stop entertainment on two stages, all included in the admission price. The medley of music offers something special for everyone.
A Fine Arts & Crafts showcase with unique collectible creations from 200 artists dot the landscape with exhibits specializing in paintings, sculpture, ceramics, jewelry, specialty foods, furniture, children’s toys, and more. Artists are on hand to visit with Festival guests and often personalize gifts. Nestled amidst the booths, the “Kids Interactive Berry Craft Patch” area provides make & take crafts for youngsters.
Strawberryland For Kids offers a childhood oasis with rides, bouncers and climbing walls for youngsters.
The Strawberry Promenade offers a berry haven where patrons can enjoy cooking demonstrations, the Berry Blast Off Recipe Contest, the Strawberry Smackdown with dueling chefs, and more.
Contests get everyone into the act. Hearty appetites rule in the Strawberry Pie Eating Contest. The gooey Tart Toss finds strawberry goo flying into faces poking through cutout boards and the timed Strawberry Relay race requires teamwork to assemble and devour berry goodies. Creations in The Berry Best Hat Contest put the Kentucky Derby to shame, while the Berry Best Dressed Baby Contest finds toddlers strutting the runway in their finest berry bling.
The Community Connections booth showcases all the wonderful ways the Festival engages the community and gives back to impact lives by fundraising. Patrons spin the wheel for prizes.
Cost: General admission $12; seniors 62+ $8; children ages 5-12 $5. Kids 4 and under FREE. Active military and dependents with ID $8.