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Walt Disney’s Barn Public Day
11:00 am – 3:00 pm Free 迪士尼農莊蒸氣小火車博物館,曾是 Walt Disney 的家族私人農莊。本周日將免費開放,除了觀賞迪士尼卡通人物展品、古老蒸汽火車、小型火車比賽,還可以免費搭乘小火車在園中迴繞,過過老式蒸汽火車的癮喔!! The third Sunday in each month, Walt Disney’s Barn Museum, the original Santa Fe & Disneyland Combine Coach, and Ollie Johnston’s Victorian Train Depot, are open for public visiting from 11 am to 3 pm. Informative volunteer Barn Crew members are on hand to describe the history and contents. Often, Disney veterans and Legends drop by for chats and autographs. The Carolwood Barn was Walt Disney's own "thinking place" and…
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