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Life-Size LEGO BatMobile at LEGOLAND
6/13/2017 - 7/4/2017
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如果爸爸孩子都是動漫和 LEGO迷,這個活動就太適合了,用上了 34萬塊LEGO 砌出來的真人尺寸蝙蝠車,定必讓樂高迷和 Batman 迷愛不釋手。父親節當天入場的首4000名來賓還會獲贈整套蝙蝠車樂高積木 (連父親節禮物也搞定了!:)
What’s built with more than 340,000 LEGO bricks, measures 17 feet long and was inspired by “The LEGO Batman Movie”? It’s the life-size LEGO Batmobile from Chevrolet and it will be on display at LEGOLAND California Resort from June 13 – July 4!
As a special tribute to dads…On Father’s Day, Sunday, June 18, the first 4,000 Park guests will receive miniature LEGO Batmobiles to build at home!
Check out some fun facts about the super-cool LEGO Batmobile:
- Weighs 1,695.5 pounds
- Each tire is just over 100 pounds
- Is 83 inches (6.92 feet) high, 204 inches (17 feet) long and 111 inches (9.25 feet) wide
- The interior frame is made from more than 86 feet of square tube aluminum and weighs 282.5 pounds
- Is built using 344,187 LEGO bricks
- Uses 17 LEGO colors
- Took 222 hours to design and 1,833 hours to build
- Was designed and assembled in the LEGO® Model Shop in Enfield, Connecticut by LEGO® Master Builders