2nd annual La JaJa Kids Business Kids Fair & Workshops ~ August 25th @ Rowland Heights

第 2 屆《小小創業家》 兒童商展將於 8/25 在人流旺盛的羅蘭崗東方明珠廣場舉行, 現場將設立二十個商業攤位,歡迎 8-14歲小朋友在參加兩堂商業課程後,學會將自己的精彩商業 idea 變成真正的生意,當一個創業家。 《小小創業家》 兒童商展是丫丫園地主辦的創意青少年教學及體驗活動, 將商業知識學習與創業體驗相結合, 讓兒童有機會從理論與實踐兩方面認識有關創業和商業運作的重要知識。《小小創業家》為小朋友提供一個難得的機會, 培養團隊合作、領導力、人際互動等生活的關鍵能力, 而這些能力正是「創業家精神」的展現! 活動當天廣場舞台上將進行各式兒童文藝表演,吸引觀眾, 各攤位小朋友也可以上台推銷自己的產品,訓練銷售口才和能力 ,還有機會贏得創意大獎呢!

Part 1: 兩堂商業知識課程 7/28 & 8/11

日期:Saturday, 7/28 & 8/11,  10:00 am – 12:00 noon

地點:STEAM Power 全優學院 (德成行 二樓)

17520 Castleton St #207., City of Industry, CA 91748 (Same plaza as Costco, City of Industry)


PearloftheEastPlaza1Part 2: 《小小創業家》兒童商展

日期:Saturday, 8/25,  4:00 to 8:30pm

地點:Pearl of the East Plaza 東方明珠廣場

18888 Labin Ct, Rowland Heights, CA 91748 (center courtyard)


費用:每位學員 $75(含兩堂商業知識課程 + 一個 10′ 商展攤位, 請自備帳篷,大會恕不提供)

截止日期 : 7/27/2018 (we accept PayPal and mail in payment by check, please PayPal to info@lajajakids.com)


Register Here 請電郵我們 info@lajajakids.com 留位喔~!

Hosted by La JaJa Kids
Sponsored by Pearl of the East Plaza 東方明珠廣場
Special Thanks to STEAM POWER 全優學院



本活動以鼓勵兒童創業為主題,讓小朋友在自行設計、製造、行銷、 銷售的過程中,體驗和了解創立一門生意所需面對的各種問題,從玩樂和互動中學習生產成本、行銷手法、客戶需求等商業元素,認識商業世界的運作模式,為未來成長培養關鍵的能力。 開一家公司需要什麼樣的條件?當老闆要做哪些事情? 如何將創意變成賺錢的生意,並創造品牌價值以回饋社會? 每個小小創業家都要自己設計產品,想辦法有效率的製造產品, 製作行銷廣告,更要實地販售,賺取利潤。 這個活動能激勵孩子對商業社會的觸覺,啟發創業家的精神, 打造鼓勵孩子敢於嘗試的勇氣。 參加我們,成為《小小創業家》一份子!


Hosted by La JaJa Kids
Sponsored by Pearl of the East Plaza
Special Thanks to STEAM POWER

The 2018 Business Kids Fair is an one-of-a-kind youth entrepreneurship event for kids in Southern California. This one-day business fair offers kids opportunity to develop a brand, create a product, and launch their very own start up business. It is a unique experience for young minds to practice marketing, creativity, communication skills and community responsibility! Register Here!


We will host up to 20 booths at the Business Kids Fair. All participating little entrepreneurs will also be invited to attend two business workshops taught by seasoned business professionals. If you are aged 8 to 14, have a great business idea and want to make money, the Business Kids Fair is for YOU. Become an entrepreneur for a day, and compete to win prizes! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This event is hosted by La JaJa Kids and sponsored by Pearl of the East Plaza. We welcome corporate and community sponsors and partners, and rely on the generous support of our donors and volunteers to make this event a success.