Congrats! Junior Journalist Ryan named first place winner at Arcadia Council PTA Reflections Contest (Video Section)
恭喜恭喜!丫丫小記者 Ryan Lin 在今年的 PTA Reflections 藝術創作比賽 Arcadia 學區比賽中榮獲「短片製作」組初中級別的第一名,今年的創作主題是 Within Reach 「觸手可及」,Ryan 以自己的弟弟為對象,拍攝的短片充分將主題表達,而且非常誠摯可愛,看得大家好開心,大家覺得呢?
接下來 Ryan 的作品將於所有優勝作品一起參加全加州以至全國性的比賽,希望你繼續獲得好成績,而未來的小記者訪談視頻短片的製作和剪接工作,也一併都交給你囉!
我們也跟 Ryan 聊了幾句 . . .
Q: Why do you think your video was selected by the judges?
Ryan: I think that the judges chose my video because I best interpret this year’s reflection theme “Within Reach”. My video is about my baby brother wanting to get cookies, but he can’t reach them. The cookies aren’t within reach, so he starts to make a plan. His plans are to make an “elephant slide” to reach the cookies. It took many tries to get what he desires most, but at the end, he got those cookies he always wanted. So, the moral of this story is never give up because things you want might just be within reach.
Q: Where were you and what was your thought when you first heard about your winning?
Ryan: I was doing my homework when my mom told me I won 1st place for my film production and photography at the district level. I was very excited to hear this great news. The award ceremony was also on my birthday, so it was a memorable way to celebrate my birthday.
也來欣賞 Ryan 的攝影作品~
以下是去年 (2017)的全國 PTA Reflections 藝術創作比賽得獎作品簡介,2018-19年的比賽將在今年五月展開,小學至高中的同學都可以參加,大家記得留意喔!