Santa Monica Cardboard Boat Regatta 《Junior Journalist Footprint》

去年夏日的尾聲,小記者們來到 Santa Monica Annenberg 海濱浴場,採訪了一場別開生面的《兒童紙板船大賽》,過程絕對生動有趣。一群想像力無窮的小孩,和一堆童心未泯的大人們,齊齊用硬紙箱和膠帶砌成各種造型獨特的紙船,然後三十多對大人小孩的隊伍更在游泳池內划船比拼速度(或者是看誰的船先沉沒)!



地點:Annenberg Community Beach House 415 Pacific Coast Highway, Santa Monica, ca 90402 (map)


annen pool annen3 annen2

三位丫丫小記者們:Karen、Isabel、Ryan 當天在現場採訪,跟主辦單位和參賽小健兒們互動,了解一下這個有趣活動的由來,更為所有參賽者積極打氣,玩得不亦樂乎。。。立即來看看當天的盛況吧!

Isabel L., Age 10

On August 29, 2015 we went to the Annenberg Community Beach House for a very special event. The 4th Annual Cardboard Yacht Regatta! It was at 415 Pacific Coast Highway, Santa Monica. It lasted from 6:30 p.m. -9:30 p.m. The event was held in the pool. .  . READ MORE >>

Karen S., Age 10

On a mild August 29, 2015, three La Jaja Kids junior journalists–Isabel; Ryan; and I, Karen– went to the the city of Santa Monica to interview a few participants of this year’s annual cardboard yacht regatta, which was held next to the Annenberg Community Beach House. . . READ MORE >>

Ryan L., Age 11

We were at the Annenberg Community Beach House in Santa Monica Beach for the Cardboard Yacht Regatta last weekend . Only cardboard, duct tape and yellow wood glue can be used for the support structure of the yacht. This beach house is about 5 acres and was a mansion.  They sold the property and made it a museum. . . 








Jurassic World 侏羅紀世界紙「船」…還是車?竟然連恐龍都出動了,造型滿分,可是下水後會怎樣?
