Universal Studios’ New Dark Arts at Hogwarts Light Show
好萊塢環球影城的「哈利波特魔法世界」一直深受歡迎,現在更增添一項全新的視覺震撼,為哈利迷帶來驚喜。從現在到 4月 28日,及Memorial Day 週末,環球影城將推出全新的「霍格華茲魔法光影秀」,將光雕投影在霍格華茲城堡,以聲光點綴夜空,讓觀眾感受魔法世界的驚奇。
The new Dark Arts at Hogwarts light show is now running at the Universal Studios Hollywood’s Wizarding World of Harry Potter. The light show is absolutely glorious and luminating, and with a surprise at the end. If you are visiting USH, don’t miss this fantastic light show!