


Feature Interviews

* most of our feature interviews are conducted and recorded in Chinese, we are working an English translation version for our non-Chinese readers, please check back with us later.




丫 丫 小 記 者 專 訪





 VEX機器人世界杯錦標賽是世界最大規模的教育型機器人競賽。上個月,來自洛杉磯南灣滾動機器人公司的滾動機器人隊 – 7700B2015 VEX機器人世界杯競標賽上榮獲中學組傑出獎 (Excellence Award) – 最高榮譽,並以全美中學編程設計技能最高成績獲得編程設計技能單項亞軍 (Programming Skills Silver Medal)丫丫小記者很榮幸可以和這批既努力又有才華的大孩子們交流,我們更專訪了Rolling Robots 的創辦人蔣彬,了解她從航天科學家變身成為STEM 教育者的歷程。Read interview >>





Junior Journalist’s First Overseas Interview

丫丫小記者參觀了在香港大型粵劇文化推廣活動《粵劇日》,看到多位優秀小演員的精彩示範演出,更獲得與主禮嘉賓近距離訪問的大好機會,包括八和會館主席汪明荃女士、粵劇發展基金顧問委員會楊偉誠主席,還有康文署籌辦主任 Ms. Joan Chung,一起來看看那天的盛況! read more >>>



丫 丫 小 記 者 專 訪 ~~

STEAM Carnival 數理科技嘉年華


STEM (數理科技) 絕對是近年兒童教育的最熱門課題之一,剛剛在 San Pedro舉行的第一屆 STEAM Carnival 吸引了上萬個家庭參加,更獲得IBM、Intel、GE 等大型科技公司的落力支持,現在就跟隨兩位小記者的腳步,一起看看這個將遊戲和嘉年華的娛樂風格融入數理科技學習的精彩活動,到底有多好玩!! read interview >>


An Interview with 3-2-1 Acting Ms. Mae Ross

An exclusive interview with Ms. Mae Ross, founder and principal of 3-2-1 Acting Studio, one of the best children acting academies in Southern California.  Read Interview >>  







PBS Kids Steve Songs Interview

Our junior journalists Aaron and Jaslyne had a great time interviewing Mr. Steve of Steve Songs of PBS Kids.  They visited his concert at Skirball Cultural Center, danced on stage at his famous “Recess Rock” number at his Levitt Pavilion concert, and had a wonderful, and hilarious, chat with him and his puppet SILLY after his concert…

Read interview >>



Getting to know AYSO Soccer ~~

an interview with AYSO Referee and Monterey Park Mayor Peter Chan


熱愛運動的蒙市市議員陳贊新 Peter Chan 原來還有另一個「秘密身份」~~ AYSO 青少年足球賽執照球證,而且十多年間已經主持了數百場賽事。我們向 Peter 請教了不少關於 AYSO 的知識和趣聞,對這個全美最大的青少年足球聯賽有更多的了解 . . .  read interview >>




Getting to Know HomeSchooling 

A Talk with Two Home-Schooling Moms

In 2007, over 1.5 million kids are being homeschooled everyday, that’s 2.9% of all the student population in the U.S., and this has reflected a big growth since 1999, when the ratio was only 1.7%.  We talked with two homeschooling moms who are raising their children witha  unique education that are showing some great results, and learned a lot about the homeschooling movement . . . read interview >>


夢 想 的 力 量 

專 訪 舞 台 公 主 Sabrina 

還記得在 KidsFest 童樂舞台上舞功強勁的 hip hop 舞者嗎?今年才九歲的 Sabrina 已是各大電視台和舞台演出爭相邀約的常客,並在許多全國性舞蹈比賽中獲獎無數,想不想知道她多姿多彩的的成長之路?我們很高興訪談了 Sabrina 和媽媽 Christina,了解這位舞台公主的生活、學習和她的夢想,還有媽媽在栽培Sabrina 舞蹈才華的努力和付出!     read interview >>


【方言文化專題三】1430 電臺粵語兒童節目主持人Gini 姐姐專訪

在過去幾個禮拜,丫丫秉承傳承粵語文化精神,繼續四出搜羅有關粵語文化的資料,有幸讓我們訪問到1430電臺“醒目仔”節目主持  Gini 姐姐,和大家分享她對粵語文化的看法和她粵語節目的有趣內容。  



南加以前的中文學校國語班和粵語班是同樣鼎盛,但近年來大部分的粵語班已逐漸消失,究竟是因為粵語難學?還是大家覺得粵語不再重要?我們有幸訪問到一位資深的粵語老師 -倪蘇富儀老師,和大家分享她的教學心得和對粵語方言的看法。 

【方言文化專題一】廣東話嘅 *得意嘢*

南加州有不少講中國各地方言的家庭, 自從丫丫園地參與過藝程的兒童粵劇文化推廣活動後,使我們意識到每種方言背後都有極深厚的文化底蘊,更使我們對中國方言產生了很濃厚的興趣。為了讓大家對廣東話有更深的認知,丫丫園地特地四處訪問了各界粵語人士,學習到很多有關粵語文化背後的來源與發展,並製作成這個專題特輯,由今期開始,一連三個禮拜,就讓我們帶你認識更多廣東話嘅得意嘢! 


中西合璧的教育栽培德智全面發展的孩子 ~ 專訪 Peterson Twins 和母親蘇珊 

一對出生在中美文化結合家庭裏的混血兒雙胞胎 — 梅花和蘭花 (Lilac and Dahlia) 印證了當中西文化結合時產生的”化學”作用,成就了這一對既會說一口流利中文,亦會又彈又跳,能文能武的姐妹花 ~~ Peterson Twins。丫丫園地很高興有機會與梅花和蘭花的母親促膝詳談,聆聽她分享培育一對雙胞胎女兒成長的心得與體會。 

Dealing with “Too Much” Information ~ A talk with Certified Parenting Coach Eileen Pisula

Even as our hearts go out to the parents of the victims of the devastating tragedy in Sandy Hook Elementary School, Connecticut; parents everywhere grapple with one question, WHAT do I say to my child?”Knowledge is a double edged sword – handled correctly it empowers, otherwise it destroys.

East Meets West – Raising My American Child  A talk with Certified Parenting Coach Eileen Pisula 

Few outside the Asian community understand the dilemma faced by migrant Asian parent who are raised with Confucian values and the parenting contradictions presented by their new environment. 

培養一個有博愛心的孩子  陳鄭靜雯的親子專訪 




傾聽孩子的需要,做個 A+ 父母