庆祝蒙特利公园102周年生日,并且我们承认它是美国在每年的Play Days嘉年华和游行中生活和养家的最佳场所之一。
Play Days 2018 Hours
- 5月10日星期四:下午5-10点
- 5月11日星期五:下午5点 – 午夜
- 5月12日星期六:中午到午夜。 加维大街11日上午游行。
- 5月13日星期日:下午1点至10点
Play Days: Monterey Park’s Birthday Celebration
Thursday-Sunday, May 10-13, 2018 at
Barnes Park
Celebrate Monterey Park’s 102nd birthday and our recognition as one of America’s best places to live and raise a family at the annual Play Days carnival and parade.
Birthday Celebration Parade
Fun for the entire family with local high school bands, dance groups, community organizations and VIPs.
- Saturday, May 12 at 11 a.m.
- Garvey Avenue (between Alhambra and McPherrin Avenues).
- FREE parade entry for bands, drill teams, JROTC, novelty and more (Entry form PDF)
- Watch the 2017 parade on YouTube.
2018 Grand Marshal – Monterey Park Woman’s Club
2018 Honorary Grand Marshal – Larry Sullivan
Birthday Celebration Carnival
Four days of thrilling rides and live entertainment at Barnes Park.
- Thursday, 5-10 p.m.
- Friday, 5 p.m.-midnight
- Saturday, noon-midnight
- Sunday, 1-10 p.m.
Ways to Save at Play Days
- Pre-sale ride coupons are available until 5 p.m. Thursday, May 10 at the City Hall Recreation Dept., 320 W. Newmark Avenue.
- Opening night special ride prices are available Thursday, May 10, 5-10 p.m. All rides $1.
- All-you-can-ride wristbands $25, Sunday, May 13