The Sound of Music《音樂之聲 /真善美 /仙樂飄飄》這部家傳戶曉的經典音樂電影,從1960年代開始就俘虜了無數人的心。今年夏天,好萊塢碗和橙縣賽格尚音樂廳都將上演它的電影和百老匯音樂劇,讓粉絲們可以再次重溫這個溫馨又美好的故事。
The Sound of Music 最初以音樂劇形式於百老匯上演,之後被改編電影,位居北美影史票房第三名,同時也是史上最賣座的歌舞片!劇中眾多名曲傳唱至世界各地,至今仍然被傳誦和愛戴。
The Sound of Music 根據真人真事改編,敘述了奧地利阿爾卑斯山上修道院裡的一位實習修女 Maria 到 von Trapp 家擔任教職,贏得孩童們的心,與單身男主人相愛、結婚並組家庭樂隊,最後逃離納粹魔掌的感人故事。
Sound of Music Sing-A-Long Movie Show
Sound of Music Broadway Musical
The Hills Are Alive in this brand new production of THE SOUND OF MUSIC, directed by three-time Tony Award®-winning Director Jack O’Brien. The spirited, romantic and beloved musical story of Maria and the Von Trapp family will once again thrill audiences with its Tony®,- Grammy®- andAcademy Award®-winning Best Score, including “My Favorite Things,” “Do-Re-Mi,” “Climb Ev’ry Mountain,” “Edelweiss” and the title song.
Date: July 19 to 31 (except Monday)