洛城 Bunker Hills 免費親子音樂會系列


近年洛杉磯下城區頻頻進行翻新和新建築落成,Grand Central Market 儼然已成為美食新焦點,新開幕的 Broad 現代美術館也是文青一代的新去處,還有面貌全新的 Grand Park,讓 Bunker Hills 變得越來越性格鮮明,也成為了一家大小消磨週末的好去處。

這個夏天,位於 Bunker Hills 的 California Plaza 再度推出夏日音樂會系列,包括連續四個星期六下午的免費家庭親子文藝表演,有木偶戲、樂器演奏、西班牙語音樂等,免費入場,絕對是爸媽和小朋友乘坐 Metro 輕鐵線來遊覽和參觀洛城downtown 的最佳餘慶節目!

演出地點:California Plaza, 350 S. Grand Avenue in Los Angeles

 grand2  grand3

great1June 12 @3:00pm & 4:30pm

Cinderella by Sock Puppet Sitcom Theater


Dress in your favorite fairytale garb and join the magically and musically re-imagined telling of Cinderella in the style of a television situation comedy…with sock puppets. By Sock Puppet Sitcom Theater


great2aJune 19 @ 3:00pm

Flutes Across the World  


From a flute-making workshop to an all-out, interactive jam session for kids (and parents, too) with five LA area world music masters, we celebrate music of the world’s indigenous cultures. Especially of note to our young fans! Activities begin 1/2 hr before performance.

Featuring Martin Espino, Vik Momjian, Pete Korela, M.B. Gordy, John Zeretzke and special guest, Hasan Minawi


great3June 26 @ 3:00pm

José-Luis Orozco ¡Come Bien! Eat Right! 


The beloved children’s entertainer leads an interactive musical feast of rhythm, rhyme, and culture blended with a bilingual message to eat right and live life to the fullest.


great3July 3 @ 3:00pm

Lucky Diaz and the Family Jam Band 


Known as the face of kindie music, these Latin Grammy winners and Emmy nominees bring smart, bilingual, crafty lyrics with irresistibly fresh pop beats.

For more info:
