日期:2月20日星期六 11:30am
地點:Confucius Chinese Language School, Walnut High School Campus, 400 N. Pierre Road, Walnut, CA 91789
> 電子屏幕上的藍光,為什麼會造成近視?
> 藍光可造成視網膜傷害、睡眠失調、注意力下降,甚至過動
> 多少度近視才需要開始配戴矯視鏡片?
> 散瞳劑和矯視鏡片: 哪一種更適合初發近視的孩子?
> 眼球操和戶外活動真的能保護視力嗎?
> 如何建立良好閱讀和電腦使用習慣
> 幫助孩子健康使用電腦的護眼工具
> 免費試戴 BluTech 藍光護眼鏡片
> 免費快速兒童視力測試 (人數有限,敬請預約)
Detecting your child’s vision problems and correcting them early on is the best way to ensure that they thrive in school. Even if a child’s vision was normal a year ago, as children grow, their bodies and eyes change. Symptoms of vision problems in young children can be very subtle.
Learn to tackle new challenges to your child’s vision ~~ kids today are exposed to blue lights from electronics in unprecedented amount. Blue lights from smart phones, tablets, LED TVs and even lightbulbs are emitted to children for over 7 hours a day. Learn from leading eye health experts about new tactics to protect your child’s vision from these environmental damages.
Workshop Topics:
> Does my child >need ortho-K if her nearsightedness is light?
> Atropine or Ortho-K? which one suits my kid better?
> Can eye exercise and outdoor sports really protect vision?
> What are blue light and how does it hurt your vision
> Blue light’s risks for health damages: dry eyes, retina damage, sleep disorders, ADHD
> Smart ways to help your child establish good computer habits
> Try on a pair of BluTech filter lenses for free
> Free eye check up for children (appointements required)
Free Admission, please contact us to reserve a spot
RSVP at info@lajajakids.com or call 323.728.7200