
在這個資訊爆炸並且強調多元學習的時代,許多孩子的課後時間,從小就被滿滿的才藝班和運動班排滿。研究 Free play 對孩子心智發展超過二十年的 Dr. Peter Gray 提醒父母,不要忽略了孩子有很強烈玩的需求,而過多的上課時數和課後才藝與運動班,大大減少了孩子們玩耍的時間和機會,這對於他們日後的心理健康,其實是負面的影響,也造成了許多心理疾病年輕化的問題。

所有的課後才藝,例如畫畫、樂高、coding,或是有成人在場指導的運動,如游泳、足球、棒球、跆拳道等等,都不屬於 Dr. Gray 所定義的玩。Dr. Peter Gray 指的是沒有大人介入與監督的玩耍(Free play without adult direction),是孩子探索自我的一個重要過程,對於他們長大成人後,如何處理壓力挫折,是很重要的訓練。

Image result for peter gray boston college

Professor Peter Gray is a research professor at Boston College (www.bc.edu) whose work focuses on the role of play in human evolution and development. He is the author of the book Free to Learn and writes a regular blog for Psychology Today, and is the president of the nonprofit Alliance for Self-Directed Education www.self-directed.org). He has conducted and published research in comparative, evolutionary, developmental, and educational psychology. His current research and writing focus primarily on children’s natural ways of learning and the life-long value of play. His own play includes not only his research and writing, but also long-distance bicycling, kayaking, backwoods skiing, and vegetable gardening. “How Our Schools Thwart Passions”