Universal Studios Hollywood 今年將繼續舉行中國農曆新年的慶祝活動,今年好萊塢環球影城將在2月10日至25日,在環球廣場(Universal Plaza)喜迎農曆狗年。
邂逅我們卡通明星–《功夫熊貓》裡的阿寶和悍嬌虎;跟會講中文的 Transformer 威震天打聲招呼,他的聲音簡直是又雄亮又帥氣!還有搞笑又可愛的黃色小兵團 minions 恭候您的光臨。
Celebrate the Year of the Dog in 2018 at Universal Studios Hollywood.
Come celebrate the Year of the Dog during the Lunar New Year festivities February 10-25. Join Po and Tigress from the award-winning Kung Fu Panda franchise in an all-new recreation of Po’s Village in Universal Plaza. Meet and greet with some of your favorite characters including Illumination’s Minions in traditional Chinese attire and Mandarin-speaking Megatron from TRANSFORMERS™. Plus, enjoy fun activities and live entertainment, and savor Asian dishes at Mr. Ping’s Noodle Shop.
> Come face-to-face with Mandarin-speaking Megatron from TRANSFORMERS™ against an all-new photo op backdrop
> Find your zodiac animal to see if your personalities match
> Plus, enjoy food and activities for this unique cultural experience.
- Enjoy a Dragon Warriors Kung Fu training show, live performances and more at the Jade Palace.
- Visit Mr. Ping’s Noodle Shop where you can interact with Mr. Ping himself, and enjoy authentic Asian noodles and dim sum dishes.
- Learn to draw one of your favorite characters with an expert artist, and take home your masterpiece!
- Visit with Illumination’s Minions dressed in traditional Chinese attire.
去年兩位丫丫小記者 Jaslyne 和 Isabel 接受好萊塢環球影城的邀請,來到 Universal Studios 為大家現場報道影城的中國新年活動,邂逅《功夫熊貓》裡的阿寶和悍嬌虎,又跟會講中文的 Transformer 威震天打聲招呼(雖然有點怕怕的),還與好奇猴喬治和啄木鳥伍迪拍照留念。影城廣場也換上喜氣洋洋的新春桃花拱門和 12生肖掛幡,還有好多棵許願樹呢!立即來看看小記者在環球影城的開心足跡. . .

Take photos with Po and Tigress from the award-winning Kung Fu Panda franchise in an all-new recreation of Po’s Village in Universal Plaza.

Face off with Mandarin-speaking Megatron from TRANSFORMERS™.