今年夏天,一部 Wonder Woman 《神奇女俠》,讓 DC 漫畫英雄人物重新成為大家的熱愛。你也是神奇女俠、蝙蝠俠和超人的粉絲嗎?好消息來囉~~位於 Burbank 市的華納兄弟影城 Warner Bros. Studios 特別開設了一個全新的特展,讓作為粉絲的你可以與神奇女俠和多位DC 漫畫英雄近距離接觸!
在這裡,你可以 看到神奇女俠 Gal Gadot 在電影中穿戴的原版服裝與使用的道具,包括盔甲、頭飾、套索、佩劍,還有男主角 Chris Pine、大家都好喜愛的亞馬遜女戰士們的武器庫和服裝、道具,也是非常吸引的;另外,製毒博士 Dr. Maru 的毒氣實驗室和防毒面具、倫敦百貨公司的場景,都會一一重現在參觀者的眼前。
當然,DC 漫畫裡的其他超級英雄人物:超人、蝙蝠俠等的電影戲服與道具,都會一一在這個特展出現,還有極為珍貴的首版漫畫,足以讓漫畫迷瘋狂喔!
Explore the making of a hero – literally! Come see Wonder Woman at the new DC Universe: The Exhibit and learn about Wonder Woman props and costumes, and many of the greatest Super Heroes and Super-Villains at the Warner Bros. Studio Tour Hollywood.
This interactive exhibit pays homage to the origins of DC Comics, including original comic books featuring all seven Super Heroes of the Justice League. You will see the very rare original No. 1 comic book issues of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. Additionally, you can also play three of WB Games’ most popular DC games: Batman: Arkham Knight, Injustice: Gods Among Us, and LEGO Batman.
The new Wonder Woman Props and Costume Display
Channel your inner Amazonian from this summer’s blockbuster hit, Wonder Woman, the latest addition to DC Universe: The Exhibit. You can fully immerse yourself with a variety of authentic costumes and set design elements from the film worn by Gal Gadot, including her Lasso of Hestia, armor, tiara, and the exquisite sword.
If you area Chris Pine fan, you can check out props and costumes used and worn by him, plus those by other major charaters in the movie.
Who doesn’t love the Amazonian warriors? Come see a recreation of the Amazon armory, the relic display with Diana’s sword, Dr. Maru’s Laboratory; and the ornate London department store set with original costumes and props from the sequence where Diana, Princess of Themyscira is transformed into Diana Prince.
Of course, there are plenty of photo opportunities so you can let your imagination go free and immerse into the world of Wonder Woman and other DC films.
About Warner Brothers Studio Tour Hollywood
Explore our outdoor sets and soundstages used to create productions such as The Big Bang Theory, Pretty Little Liars, La La Land, Argo and Gilmore Girls. Each tour includes exclusive access to original props, costumes, picture cars, and sets used from Batman to Friends. Additionally, studio tour guests will stop at the DC Universe – DC Comics Exhibit, the real Central Perk Friends set, original Batman Museum – Batmobile Collection, and so much more. Visit the best studio tour in Los Angeles and interact with all the magic of film making today! We get you closer to the entertainment you love.
Studio location: 3400 W. Riverside Dr. Burbank, CA 91505
Tickets: 3-hour studio tour $65 adult, $55 child; premium $78 adult, $68 child; 6-hour deluxe tour $295