

英特爾國際科技工程大獎賽(Intel International Science and Engineering Fair,簡稱 Intel ISEF)是世界上規模最大的中學生科學競賽,也是唯一面向9至12年級中學生的科學競賽,素有全球青少年科學競賽的“世界杯”之美譽,亦被稱為諾貝爾獎的搖籃。

Intel 國際科學工程展今年五月將在 LA 舉行,需要多位成人義工翻譯在現場幫助來自世界各國的中學生與評審溝通,日期是 5/17 Wednesday 在 Pasadena。目前所需語言包括中文(普通話/國語、粵語)及多個亞裔語言(韓、日、泰、越等),如果你可以幫忙,請聯絡我們,謝謝!

丫丫園地很高興成為 2017 英特爾國際科學與工程大獎賽義工招募夥伴,如果你可以在 5月17日當天的國際賽事中擔任義務翻譯員(無須經驗,須18歲以上),為來自世界各國的中學生翻譯,同時見證新一年的得獎者的誕生,請你立刻以電郵聯絡丫丫園地,我們會提供更多詳細資料,包括所需翻譯的語言或方言等。


很多位諾貝爾獎得獎者在學生時期都曾參加過這個競賽,包括2008年諾貝爾化學獎得主錢永健,他也是中國火箭之父錢學森的堂侄。大獎賽得主,更有機會被 “國際天文學聯盟”用作命名天上的小行星。isef

由美國科學與公眾社團(Society for Science & the Public),其前名為科學服務社(Science Service)於1950年創辦的美國中學生科學博覽會發展而來。美國科學與公眾社團是設立在美國華盛頓的一個公益組織,其宗旨是推動科學的發展和技術的進步。作為對支持贊助ISEF的企業回報,科學服務社把競賽的冠名權授給領銜贊助的企業。1996年,英特爾公司投入巨資成為該競賽的領銜贊助,並通過一系列的支持活動來推廣這一賽事。自1997年開始由英特爾公司贊助。隨後的10多年來,英特爾逐步開發、提升了給予學生的獎勵,增設教育家論壇(Educator Academy)和與大賽相關的其他活動,使得大賽的影響力和知名度不斷擴大。這賽事迄今已有60年的歷史。

競賽學科包括了所有自然科學和部分社會科學內容, 它為全球最優秀的小科學家和發明家們提供了互相交流, 展示最新科技成果的舞台。每年有來自75個國家,超過1700名的青少年科學家為贏得16個科學類別和1個團隊項目類別的總價超過400萬美金的獎學金和獎品展開激烈的角逐。獲獎者除了高額獎金外,還可參加當年諾貝爾獎頒獎典禮,還能經美國麻省理工學院林肯實驗室以獲獎者的名字為小行星命名,並且能優先就讀麻省理工學院,哈佛大學等名校。Intel ISEF每年邀請1,000多名不同科學和工程學學科的專家,包括數十位諾貝爾獎獲得者負責評判項目,並在大獎賽期間與學生進行廣泛的交流。每位評委必須擁有博士學位,或擁有8年相關科研經驗。裁判由主辦機構的組委會遴選。

The Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) is the largest pre-college scientific research event in the world. Each May, more than 1500 students from roughly 70 countries and territories compete in the fair for scholarships, tuition grants, internships, scientific field trips and the grand prizes, including one $75,000 and two $50,000 college scholarships. All prizes together amount to over $4,070,000.

Two awards ceremonies are held including: Special Awards Organization Presentation (which now includes the Government Awards Presentations) and the Grand Awards Ceremony. The International Science and Engineering Fair was founded in 1950 by Science Service (now the Society for Science & the Public) and has been sponsored by the Intel Corporation since 1997. As of 2012, seven ISEF alumni went on to win Nobel Prizes, with successful ISEF veterans including Jack Andraka and inventor Alex Deans.

Each year, more than 7 million high school students around the globe develop original research projects and present their work at local science competitions with the hope of making it to the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, a program of Society for Science & the Public. Only the best and brightest— approximately 1,750 winners of local, regional, state, and national competitions—are invited to participate in this week-long celebration of science, technology, engineering, and math. At the event, these young innovators share ideas, showcase cutting-edge research, and compete for more than USD 4 million in awards and scholarships.

Rewarding Scientific Discovery and Innovation

At Intel ISEF, awards are based on students’ abilities to tackle challenging scientific questions, use authentic research practices, and create solutions for the problems of tomorrow.

Awards include:

  • The Gordon E. Moore Award
    This “best of the best” honor and a prize of USD 75,000 is awarded to the top Best of Category winner for outstanding and innovative research, as well as the potential impact of the work.
  • The Intel Foundation Young Scientists Award
    Two Gordon E. Moore Award runners-up, selected from the Best of Category winners, are awarded USD 50,000 each.
  • The Dudley R. Herschbach SIYSS Award
    Three finalists are selected to receive all-expenses-paid trips to attend the Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar (SIYSS), including attendance at the Nobel Prize ceremonies in Sweden. Recipients must be 18 years old prior to the Nobel ceremony in December.
  • Intel ISEF Best of Category Awards
    Best of Category projects, selected from the competition’s 17 categories, receive USD 5,000 awards from the Intel Foundation. USD 1,000 grants are awarded to the winners’ schools and the affiliated fairs they represent. Best of Category winners become eligible for the Gordon E. Moore and Intel Foundation Young Scientist Awards.
  • Intel ISEF Grand Awards
    The Intel Foundation provides Grand Awards for first, second, third, and fourth places in each category. Awards are USD 3,000, USD 1,500, USD 1,000, and USD 500, respectively.

