Dream Big《夢想無限大》3D電影加州科學中心 IMAX 劇院首映

【丫丫園地 STEM 主題活動推介】


Dream Big《夢想無限大》3D電影加州科學中心 IMAX 劇院首映

Dream Big 3D ~ a film engineered to inspire, opens Friday, February 17 at California Science Center

【優秀電影推介】我們都知道 STEM是由四個元素組合而成~~ E 是代表 Engineering 工程師,那你知道各類工程師是做什麼的嗎?世界上各種艱難的工程壯舉又是如何完成的?

《夢想無限大 3D》立體電影將工程師的世界完全展現在觀眾眼前。從世界最高的建築、水底機器人、橫跨澳洲大陸的太陽能汽車比賽。。。Dream Big 3D 為你展示工程界各項奇蹟般的創造,讓你看到工程師如何以意想不到的驚人方式推動創新的極限,並讓你見證工程師如何為人類創造更美好的生活,為世界提供更可持續的未來。

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An engineer performs a routine inspection of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California. The Golden Gate is a suspension bridge designed by a team of engineers in the 1930s. Up until 1964, it was the longest suspension bridge in the world.

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A bird’s eye view from the top of the Falkirk Wheel: a rotating boatlift in Scotland. The Falkirk uses the same amount of energy as a washing machine and is designed to last 200 years.

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Engineer Menzer Pehlivan and a group of children enjoy a ride on a roller coaster; a feat of engineering that brings fun and thrills to people everywhere.

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“Stinky” the robot completes a task during an underwater robot competition. The team of high school engineers at Carl Hayden High School in Phoenix, Arizona surprised everyone with their robot and their ingenuity.

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Engineer Angelica Hernandez mentors students from her former Phoenix high school as they prepare to enter a robotics contest.

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The Great Wall of China has endured for thousands of years. In Dream Big, viewers learn that in some sections of the wall, builders used sticky rice in the mortar, which enhanced its durability.

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The Shanghai skyline includes the Shanghai Tower, where 16,000 people live, work and play. The skyscraper is the world’s second tallest building, and its innovative design is featured in Dream Big.